#To remove directory
rm -rf dir_name
rm -rf dir_name
#To search file or folder in all directories
find / -name abc.txt
#To search file in current directory
find . -name xyz.txt
#To know which user is currently login
who am i
#To know how many users are login
# To check the partition with its size
df -k
# To check CPU utilization
top: its an utility which comes in form of package in solaris and you add that package.
#To add a package in solaris
e.g. pkgadd pkg_name
#To check all options of commands
man "command_name"
e.g. man ls
# To check actual size of file/folder
du -sh "file/folder name"
# To count the files or folders in the ddirectory
ls -l wc -l
# To create a directory
mkdir "dir_name"
# To create directory inside a folder having same permissions of that folder
mkdir -p "dir_name"